Little King Arthur a Wisp of My Desire


Little King Arthur, Bagio Boss Gintarine Fortuna * Lord James *, Czarnowsky , Beagle, Beagle, Beagle, Beagle, Beagle
Bagio Boss Gintarine Fortuna * Lord James *, Czarnowsky , Beagle, Beagle, Beagle, Beagle, Beagle, Champions, Winner, the Best, Love, Star



🏆International Champion C.I.B 

🏆Champion of Germany VDH

🏆Poland Champion 

🏆Champion of Kosovo

🏆Illyrian Champion

🏆Champion of Macedonia

🏆Champion of Montenegro

🏆Champion of the Balkans

🏆Champion of the Mediterranean

 🏆Champion of Yugoslavia

🏆Veteran Champion of Kosovo




Zuchtbuch-Nr.:    VDH/BCD 12-677
Geboren am   26.12.2012





 Widerristhöhe  37,5 cm- 14,7 Inch


Prüfungen:   SFP,    SPL



Genetic tests:


Lafora (Toronto) EPM2B clear


A-Lokus (Agouti) - At/At  reinerbig tricolour


MLS   frei   N/N  (by parents)


IGS   frei   N/N


NCCD   frei  N/N


POAG  frei  N/N


PK  frei  N/N



ZZP: Wesensbeurteilung "bestanden, offen und freundlich"
ZZP: Character assessment "passed, open and friendly" 




 Sieger- und jaglichen Anlagezucht  


 Champion and hunting plant breeding






Little King Arthur, Bagio Boss Gintarine Fortuna * Lord James *, Czarnowsky , Beagle, Beagle, Beagle, Beagle, Beagle
Little King Arthur, Bagio Boss Gintarine Fortuna * Lord James *, Czarnowsky , Beagle, Beagle, Beagle, Beagle, Beagle

Little King Arthur, Bagio Boss Gintarine Fortuna * Lord James *, Czarnowsky , Beagle, Beagle, Beagle, Beagle, Beagle
Little King Arthur, Bagio Boss Gintarine Fortuna * Lord James *, Czarnowsky , Beagle, Beagle, Beagle, Beagle, Beagle

Little King Arthur, Bagio Boss Gintarine Fortuna * Lord James *, Czarnowsky , Beagle, Beagle, Beagle, Beagle, Beagle
Little King Arthur, Bagio Boss Gintarine Fortuna * Lord James *, Czarnowsky , Beagle, Beagle, Beagle, Beagle, Beagle

Offspring Little King Arthur a Wisp of My Desire


Little King Arthur a Wisp of My Desire & Angela´s Honeysuckle Onyx (Noxxy)

Wurfdatum: 29.06.2017 


2 Rüden



 Little King Arthur a Wisp of My Desire & Fonteposca Matilda Grancontessa Di Canossa




Wurfdatum:  15.11.2015


 2 Rüden und 4 Hündinnen